Ways for People to Gain skillfulness in knowledge
Be intelligent and only learn what is necessary for whole some spiritual and worldly development.
The Photo Collection of the Evidences of Dhammakaya in the Ancient Buddhist Scripture Seminar
The Light of PEACE in Philippines
The photo collection of the Light of PEACE in Philippines. The most floating lanterns were released to the sky.
The Last Moment of a Father’s Life
One day, a lady come to seek advice from a respected senior monk about how to care for her dying father;
Asalha Puja Day
The history, importance and customs of Asalha Puja Day
Meditation grows in popularity for both health and spiritual reasons
Overview #1
After the Enlightenment which transformed Siddhattha Gotama into the Lord Buddha beneath the Bodhi tree on the banks of the River Neranjara
Children Who Are Addicted to Apayamukha (the Roads to Ruin)
Their love for their children makes parents work hard to earn money, so that they can provide comforts like an education, toys, and clothes for their children
Please come together to make the Kathina Merit with 115 temples around the world
Please come together to make the Kathina Merit with 115 temples around the world. Making merit with one temple, you will get merit like you do it with 115 temples. So merit lovers should not miss!!
Young People and the Lord Buddha
In recent years, a new generation of young people has started to wonder why Buddhists highly regard the Lord Buddha to be the greatest sanctuary, although he was only human